New Exclusive Interview with Henny Holyfield

Thank You for spending time with The Grynd Report. Tell us how you came up with your name Henny Holyfield

So originally my name Hennessy. But I knew one day I might face legal issues spelling it the same way as the liquor, plus there were too many other artists with the same name. So, in the process of putting together a project with my cousin Alize Ali, I came up with the name Henny Holyfield (feel like I’m the peoples champ), and I liked it so much I rebranded myself shortly after that.

Describe what it was like growing up in Sacramento, California?

Originally from Santa Clara. My parents moved around Northern California a lot. We ended up in Sacramento shortly after my senior year. I worked my way into the music scene by performing at karaoke bars and open mics. Eventually I landed some gigs and started throwing my own shows. Didn’t live in the greatest areas but made the best of it. After years of consistency, I became a radio personality at The 360 Radio and earned the respect of my community.

When did you decide to get into the music business and why?

Starting in 2000 when I moved to Texas and recorded and performed for the first time. After a performance that a big-name opener ended up being late to that I opened for, I turned boos into a standing ovation. Thats when I knew I was meant to entertain.

Talk to us about the concept of your latest release Go Grandma?

It was a song made for my grandmother who told me she wanted something upbeat she could dance to. I wanted to give her the praise she deserves and let her know how much she means to me. But after I recorded the record, I realized it had the potential to appeal to the world.

How Would You describe your music to someone who has never heard it before?

I would describe it as music that makes you feel something. A lot of artists are concentrated on making something people enjoy listening to. I want you to listen to my music and feel it in your soul. Positive and motivational. But also, deep and resonating

You currently expanded your brand to include a Radio Show tell us more about how that developed?

I was approached in 2015 to be a radio personality. not something I ever saw myself doing, but once I started, I knew it was meant to be. Did it for 8 years before taking a break and moving to Vegas. Getting ready to relaunch the show in March of 2024 with my cohost Doe The Unknown

Who would you say influenced your music and why?

Mc hammer and heavy d because of how much fun I could tell they were having creating and performing. 2pac because of his passion for the art. Outkast because of their ability to make music people can dance to while remaining lyrical. Nas because of the substance he put into his records, and Eminem because of his ability to put words together like no one else. and tech n9ne because of his cadence and versatility

What is your definition of Grynd?

Work hard to achieve your goals. being consistent and not allowing any excuses to stop you from getting to where you want to be.

What can we expect from Henny Holyfield in the future?

My fourth solo album Glass Half Full Vol. 1 will be released in the near future. More music, visuals, and content

Any Shoutouts?

Thank God for giving me this talent. s/o to my grandmother for believing in me. my wife and kids for motivating me and giving me all their love. My team (Skylit Music for accepting me and pushing me to do my best. My friends for never giving up on me. and my supporters for supporting me and constantly letting me know they appreciate me and what I’m doing.


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