It’s going down July 13th in Little Rock, AR. PTE, Cool Running DJ and of course, Team SCM DJ, DJ Ms. Hypnotique will be in the building interviewing and filming at the 6th Annual Muzikal Fashion Show on her new show “Da Spot”. THIS SATURDAY!!! Come Out to the hottest urban Fashion Show
in the A-STATE!!! Red Carpet, Hot Hot models, dope designers and celebrity guest!! Sponsored by Bronner Brothers, Bleu Vodka, Zoobie, PTE, Addidas, BlessedGals, and 96.5 the box!!
#MuzikalFashionShow6 #djmshypnotique #daspot901 #SouthernCoalitionMovement #TEAMSCM #PTE #SODMG #SCMPTESODMGtheMovement #SCMawards