What’s good? Please tell us your name and where you’re from?
Hey I’m Tiaira Red & I’m from Fayetteville, TN
What motivated you to become a model?
I’ve always wanted to Model, but my photographers wife came up to me at work. She asked me if I wanted to be in B.A.D.D. Magazine by Demetrius Morgan, who is now my manager. I haven’t stopped since then!
What do you enjoy most inside or outside shoots and whys?
Most of the time outside shoots! Just because I love nature. There’s nothing else like it! In a way it makes me more creative and free while shooting!
What are some of the challenge’s you have overcome in the modeling world?
Knowing how to pose, and my facial expressions while in front of the camera.
How important is branding in the modeling field?
Extremely! If you aren’t careful about who you build your brand with or what kind of brand you present, you could possibly mess up a lot opportunities!
What’s your definition of Grynd?
Starting something productive, keep pushing foward making progress! NEVER STOP! WORK HARD!
What are some common mistakes you see in up and coming models?
I can’t say because I’m still kind of new myself!
What’s next for you outside of the modeling business?
Well right now I’m a sales person at National Pen selling a variety of products! So y’all call me!
Hopefully in the future after I’m more mainstream, I plan to help people!
What advice would you give someone wanting to be successful in this field?
Be you within your work, be creative, and watch who you work with!
Any shout outs? Where can we find you online?
Thank God, cause with her it wouldn’t be possible! Thanks @beautynmor & @thebaddman_ for spotting me out of a thousand girls at the workplace! Thanks to my biggest fan @thu66er, she keeps me motivated to keep going!
You guys can find me on IG, SC, and TWITTER under @tiairared
I also have a website under construction, www.tiairared.com