New Grynd Exclusive Interview with Cuatro Cinco

What’s going on Cuatro Cinco, please introduce yourself to our readers.

Gloss The World everyone! I’m Cuatro Cinco (4-5), Father, Independent Music Recording Artist, Leader, Philanthropist, Writer, Visionary, Designer & Model from Chattanooga, Tennessee! I’ve been an active recording artist for 10+ years which has progressed to wearing many different hats throughout this amazing journey. During my career I’ve released an extensive catalog of music that ranges in genres from Hip-hop, R&B, Pop & Indie Pop/Rock. Distributed through platforms like Soundcloud, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, & YouTube & Many More!

Tell us about life in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Life in Chattanooga is forever evolving while still creating its identity. More people are moving here because it’s a small city with so much potential to be bigger which in turn makes it more crowded. It’s beautiful though, the mountains & scenery are big attractions. Speaking through the lens of an independent music artist born and raised in Chattanooga, I’m beginning to realize more each day that we (as artists) have to create & support our own platforms that will in turn create more opportunities for our own artists. That way we create our own sound and respect in the world. There’s always that competitive aspect of it when it comes to the hip hop scene but that is what comes with the music industry. We just have to first learn how to collaborate within the competition.

What is the origin behind your name?

The back story to my name comes from a sports background mixed with a couple premonitions. That was a number I wore in high school & college but it’s also that number (45) that I always catch on clocks, speed signs, fortune cookies, and one of my favorite professional athletes wore that number as well. As a teen I went by Mr.4-5 until I became a music artist, I knew that I needed a catchy name but I didn’t want it to be too far off from who I am. Being that the only other language I knew was a little Spanish from school I thought well, if I’m already known as 4-5 why not be Cuatro Cinco, first & last name. Something not so easy to say but easy to remember. It’s original & after my first release on SoundCloud the rest is history.

How and when did music become a personal passion?

Music truly became a passion when I felt a genuine sense of relief by releasing the weight of life from my shoulders by writing lyrics & hearing it back as a recording song. That started in 2011 & It’s been the best source of therapy ever since.

Without boxing yourself in, describe your style of music.

My style is called manifestation & reflection music. It can go many ways, in a more Positive, Fun, Free, Expressive, Glossy aura or we can go down a more introspective real life relatable route where I’m speaking to the unspoken. That can sound anywhere from southern hip hop to an Indie Pop, there’s variety. There’s music for every mood and situation.

What do you enjoy the most about being a music artist?

The fact that I’m growing & learning as a person through the entire journey. I take every opportunity as is while learning true virtues of life such as Patience, Modesty, Assertiveness, Accountability, Perseverance, Peacefulness & Self Discipline. Those key virtues have prepared me to be the man & father I am for myself, family & society. The people that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing whether they are still with me or not. I’m grateful for being able to encounter them because they made me better in some way, whether they know it or not. With that being said my sense of discernment has led me into some extremely supportive people and experiences that I’ve always dreamt of fulfilling.

You have a new single out titled 2045, Tell us about it.

“2045” the song is an introduction to the current sound of Cuatro Cinco. Continuing to craft my sound, 2045 is the record that puts life into full perspective. Being a fairly new father, I often ask myself what life looks like for me between the years 2024 & 2045. In the year 2045 my son will be 21 years old. I’ve proposed that time period to motivate me to be as successful & wealthy as possible before we get there. The entire song is a manifesto. That’s why the energy is so Glossy when you hear it.

Besides creating music, what else do you enjoy doing?

On days that don’t involve music I’m spending time with my son, expanding my philanthropy within the Chattanooga community with my non-profit “Cuatro Cares”. I’ve recently dove into financial literacy buying different books to read, such as Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I have a desire to be smarter with money & broaden my vocabulary. Other than that, I may play the game from time to time.

Do you have anything new in the works that we need to know about?

I’m currently teaching myself how to fully push my single “2045” for at least a year to create a demand for new music while also recording new records for an upcoming project. I successfully produced my own live show so that’s definitely something that I’m working on making happen more often with the live band I’ve been blessed to put together.

What is your definition of Grynd?

My definition of “Grynd” is making the necessary sacrifices for a better future for yourself & everyone that depends on you.

Where can we keep up with you online?

Because I’m working so hard to push “2045” I’ve been extremely active on all social media & music platforms (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, TikTok, etc.). I’ve also started a vlog series called “Gloss The World: on YouTube that gives more of a behind the scenes point-of-view to the inner workings of the Cuatro Cinco brand.

Any shout outs?

I want to give a shout out to God, my family, day ones, new supporters & Chattanooga. 423 Forever!


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