New Exclusive Interview with John A Calabrese Jr

Thank You for spending time with The Grynd Report. Please Introduce yourself and tell us where you are from?

My name is John A Calabrese Jr. I grew up in Chicago and Moved to Muscle Shoals, Alabama 9 years ago.

Describe what it was like growing up in your city.

It was the right time to grow up on the west side of Chicago. Great music, fast cars and fun girls occupied most of my teenage years.

What about the music business made you want to pursue it professionally?

I’ve been a songwriter for as long as I can remember. It’s always been something I enjoyed. I want to pursue songwriting professionally because like most, if not all songwriters, I have something to say and want to be heard.

What music are your currently promoting and how can fans find it?

The new song that I’m promoting now is a love song that is radio ready, movie ready, TV friendly and commercial ready. The song is now available on most social media channels like TikTok (@john115588), Instagram (@johncal1371), Spotify and YouTube.

How Would You Describe your music to someone who has never heard it before?

Life-changing (LOL). I like to write all kinds of songs. Something for everyone.

If You can alter the music industry in any way, what would you change and why?

The music business is one of the hardest because of the ever-changing need for something new. The music business is always changing. To their credit there’s not much I would change.

What do you want people to feel when they listen to your music?

A connection to my lyrics. I want people to relate and believe in what they hear.

What is your definition of Grynd?

To unite all forms of music.

What is the biggest lesson you learned navigating the music business?

You only need one yes.

Any Shoutouts?

Many people have encouraged me through the years. My brother Don Calabrese has always been the one who’s been there for me.

Follow on Social Media
Instagram- @johncal1371
Facebook- John Calabrese
Tiktok- @11558


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