King Moore is an up-and-coming child actor, model, and artist on the path to becoming a legend in the entertainment industry. At just 6 years old and turning 7 October 11th, 2022, King Moore has already received recognition for his talent and dedication to his craft. King Moore has won 11 out of 13 awards in California early this year at IPOP including child model of the year, singing contest, & Dance contest.
What he is gearing up to release is his single “Big Dreams”, which is produced by KZZ Lifestyle. The scheduled release of this record is ironically on his birthday 10/11 and from what we heard exclusively, this is a record that will give other kids and even adults the motivation to have their own “Big Dreams”.
“Big Dreams” was inspired by King Moore’s desire to be on TV performing his music, developing his own TV show and more. His biggest inspiration is seeing his big brother work hard at his dreams, so it is only right that he duplicates that effort in his own dreams. Being a Multi-Talent artist means there is more under his belt and rightfully so since King Moore just started acting class, vocal lessons, piano lessons, karate, & gymnastics.
Entertainment comes in many shapes and King Moore does not plan to have limitations. Get ready for the official release of “Big Dreams” which will be available on all digital platforms 10/11/22. Until then follow his journey on social media
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/KingMoore
Instagram: https://instagram.com/kingmoore___?igshid=NmNmNjAwNzg=
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kingmoore____
Acting & Modeling Information:
Film & TV: @paradigmtalentagency
Commercial Print: @sydel_l @coasttocoasttalent
Acting Coach/Team: @shanellegray @shanellegraystudios @mvpsem