Exploring the Journey of Hip-Hop Evolution with Rique’ during On The Grynd Live

The Transformative Power of Expression

Hip-hop, for many, transcends just being a genre of music. It becomes a transformative power, a method of self-expression and therapy. For Rique’, music is more than just an art form, it’s a means of self-discovery and personal growth. He shares,

“Music is a form of expression. It’s therapy to me. So it gave me that time to kind of, like, sit with my thoughts, because a lot of times, we don’t sit with our thoughts enough.”

In the fast-paced world we live in, taking a moment to delve deep into one’s thoughts isn’t common. Music serves as a medium that allows Rique’ to confront both the good and dark times. This process of reflection and expression leads to personal growth. His journey from Cincinnati to Atlanta shows how the environment shapes the artist. Rique’ gives credit to Cincinnati for giving him the “spark” and Atlanta for “putting the season in on it,” making both crucial in his development.

Embracing Diversity in Musical Influence

Rique’ draws inspiration from a broad spectrum of influences, prominently mentioning Jay-Z as a guiding figure. He admires Jay-Z not only for his musical genius but also for his business acumen and integrity.

“Especially Hov. He made great music, but he set the standard for black business and ownership, and he sprinkled that in his message, in his music.”

By looking up to such figures, Rique’ anchors his music in authenticity and strives to impart a similar sense of integrity in his work.

Importance of Consistency and Integrity

Building from Passion to Profession

Shah Cypha asks when Rique’ transitioned from loving hip-hop as a listener to pursuing it as a career. For Rique’, this pivotal shift happened between the ages of 18 and 21, particularly after moving to Atlanta and meeting his mentor Ty Vaughn.

“I always loved it… But when I came to Atlanta and… got one of my OGs… that kind of, like, catapulted me… taking what was once a hobby into a reality.”

This period cultivates his passion, gradually molding it into a professional pursuit. Consistency and the willingness to evolve continually emerge as essential themes. Rique emphasizes,

“The ambition was there, the passion was there… But finding myself and fine-tuning myself… that don’t happen overnight. You made mistakes, but your past don’t define you.”

He urges staying true to oneself while consistently working towards improvement. This idea of perpetual growth and the integrity with which one approaches challenges are pivotal for sustained success in any field, not just music.

Crafting Authentic Messages

Rique’s music stands out because it is rooted in authenticity and life experience. Each track acts as a conversation with the listener, relaying messages that are both honest and inspiring.

“Whatever the beat is saying, I’ll respond back… For me, it has to come from a pure feeling of, like, dang… This frequency is telling me to say, and I’m gonna respond back thoroughly the correct way.”

He advises showing up as one’s true self in every room, emphasizing that authenticity is crucial for gaining respect.

Navigating Adversity to Achieve Greatness

Turning Trials into Triumphs

Rique’ openly discusses his journey through adversity. The COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, forced him into deep self-reflection and fitness, contributing significantly to his personal growth.

“I looked in the mirror and not at the mirror… sometimes it’s like we like to point our fingers at why we’re not where we want to be.”

During the isolation period, he found solace and growth in physical fitness, which had broader impacts on his mental and spiritual well-being.

“Started getting in the gym heavy… it humbled me… it brought me closer to God, and it made me hold myself accountable.”

Physical fitness thus becomes more than just a routine; it shapes his discipline and fortifies his resolve to overcome challenges.

Creating High-Vibrational Music

Rique’ aims to inspire through his music, creating tracks that motivate and resonate with positive, real messages. His song “The Goat” is particularly significant,

“It’s telling people to be the goat of themselves… Be the best version of themselves.”

The goal is to uplift listeners, making them feel empowered to tackle their own challenges with confidence.

Rique’: Reflecting on Life, Gratitude, and Future Ambitions

Adversity often imparts profound lessons, a sentiment echoed by Rique’. Reflecting on his growth journey, Rique’ understands the importance of not letting one’s past define their future. Daily, he’s working towards living and thriving rather than merely surviving.

“Some days I’m surviving as well. I’m human. But usually, even on the days that I’m surviving, I’m still figuring out something so I can live correctly.”

He acknowledges the need to stay out of one’s head and not to sabotage oneself, continually striving to overcome internal obstacles. This mindset of constant personal evolution translates into his artistry, where authenticity, resilience, and integrity are paramount.

Broader Implications for Artists and Audiences

Rique’s journey illustrates that personal growth, professional consistency, and overcoming adversity are intrinsic to success not only in music but in life. His commitment to authenticity in his music and his dedication to personal betterment offer valuable lessons for anyone aspiring to achieve greatness. By embracing a holistic approach—focusing on mental, spiritual, and physical well-being—Rique’ underscores the importance of a balanced and disciplined life.

Through his words and works, Rique’ continues to inspire, encouraging his listeners and peers to strive for greatness while staying true to their roots and convictions. This journey of self-discovery, musical evolution, and resilience in the face of adversity makes Rique’ a compelling figure in the contemporary hip-hop landscape. The grind never stops, and with the lessons learned and shared, every challenge becomes a stepping stone towards a greater purpose.




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