A Pimp Named Sweet Tooth just released a visual to his song “Your Side” featuring Suni MF. Both of the Playas Club Music Group representers have been making waves as of late: Suni co-wrote...
R&B Princess Nyasia Chane’l delivers fire hot new single, championing social justice. The state of affairs today has brought many artists and entertainers to a crossroads, begging the question: “What is more important? Entertaining...
Dyamondz – Passionate and Ambitious Musician “Life has pounded me down and thrashed me around, time and time again. But, I still love life, just as the earth still loves the rain.” -Suzy Kassem...
New release from John star icon, titled Talkin shit, the staten island emcee has been dropping new songs in preparation for his 2020 Ep FKTU from king to underdog Social Media Info @johnstaricon...